Internship in Biology Credit Hours: 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. Level: Undergraduate Supervised work experience with public agencies, private industry, mass media, or non-profit organizations in the area of the biological sciences. Examples of work experience include traineeships in scientific investigation, environmental impact assessment, financial analysis, mass media, biotechnology law, and informatics. In addition to an off-campus workplace and supervisor, students must identify a UGA faculty member to serve as an academic interface/coordinator. Students must submit a proposal or other documentation (e.g., letter from supervisor) outlining their duties and responsibilities to the faculty coordinator who must approve it. Students will be engaged in supervised work experience with public agencies, private industry, mass media, or non-profit organizations in the area of the biological sciences. After completing the internship students must turn in a final report explaining their experience and results. The internship supervisor must certify that the student completed the internship satisfactorily, and in consultation with the faculty coordinator, agree on a grade. Prerequisites: (BIOL 1107-1107L or BIOL 2107H-2107L) and (BIOL 1108-1108L or BIOL 2108H-2108L) Semester Offered: Fall Spring Summer